Court Reporting
SimplySteno Reviews and Testimonials
Our Philosophy - No company has ever posted a negative testimonial.

It's true. You will never find a negative comment about a company on the testimonial page. That would be stupid for business. Just like you wouldn't use a poor reference on a resume. So in my opinion, testimonials should be taken with a grain of salt.

But my testimonials do differ in one respect - you can actually speak with the students and reporters giving them! And we include the last names. So take these SimplySteno reviews for what they're worth.


I credit Simply Steno with helping get me through faster and pointing out what I needed to fix in my writing.  I've been working as a reporter for two weeks and have really enjoyed the experience.  Life has been a whirlwind, but I'm happy to be getting my feet wet.  I would most certainly recommend Simply Steno over brick and mortar court reporting schools to prospective and current students I meet.  Thank you so much for all your help and guidance!

Tracy Groth

I want to start by saying that your program has worked miracles!! Seriously. I don't know of any other program that has the same dedication to a student's writing habits as Simply Steno. You go above and beyond to help us become better writers. I LOVE your program, no matter how grueling and frustrating it can sometimes be. It's all for the better good. I want to thank you for the dedication you give to your students. This was an awesome experience for me and it was worth every penny.

Diana Guerrero

Thank you to the wonderful staff at SimplySteno! I'm doing the job of my dreams and loving every minute!

Menal Yousif-Bashi, CSR, RPR

After completing Theory in a reputable court reporting school,  I was excited and ready to dive into Speedbuilding. I quickly became frustrated by the repetitive daily lessons of my well established, very EXPENSIVE institution. The same dictations were used repeatedly- week after week,  just alternating from two-voice, literary, etc.  The atmosphere as well as the attitude of the instructor was increasingly negative, which quickly spread to the students.  I stayed with the program about a year and nearly gave up on my goal. It was at this point that a fellow student suggested the SimplySteno program to me.  I switched over and have been so grateful that I did.  This program is so much more affordable.  The daily lessons are structured and very effective.  Marc is encouraging and extremely helpful.   It’s constantly being improved and there is so much additional information available. Plenty of extra practice dictations, videos, and constant communication and feedback.  I have found that the only thing holding me back is me. If you’re dedicated to becoming a court reporter, this is an excellent program that I highly recommend!

Janie Lehman

I LOVE being a court reporter! Thank you to Marc and SimplySteno for getting me to the finish line!

Trudi O'Brien, CSR

I'd like to thank you so very much for all you and your fantastic team do with SimplySteno Plus. It is a wonderful and well thought out program. I find the quality of the dictation material you provide to be far, far superior. Yes, the SimplySteno Plus dictations are challenging and can be dense at times, but the format allows for successful accomplishment, and with such great preparation and training, a high caliber of successful reporters can be put into the workforce. Keep up the GREAT work and thank you for all you folks at SimplySteno Plus do!

A VERY satisfied SimplySteno Plus student,
Bonnie T. Feingold

I am a returning reporter after being out of the field for 16 years. I went to a school that had a high pass rate, and SimplySteno is run much the same way. The ample amount of dictation is dense and clear, and Marc's support is always just an email away. It's almost like having a personal trainer in that the program is geared to meet my individual needs. I didn't think I could do it on my own, but I was wrong! Thanks, Marc!

Caryn Spiezer, CSR

Total Structure - "I don't have to put my own speedbuilding schedule together. Every minute is planned out.  Marc has picked out the court reporting drills, dictations, order, everything.  I just have to sit in the chair and follow along.  There's not a second of wasted time." 

Camille Connell

Total Feedback - "I get to see my tests and errors along with Marc's notes.  I have a better idea about what to work on, because now I can see where I'm making my mistakes." 

Georgann McDonald

Simplysteno is everything I could ask for. I had faced a bump in my steno education. My court reporting school closed, and with very little time and guidance to figure out what could work best for me,  I checked out  "court reporting colleges", and each time I had an odd feeling, something was off, and the programs were not demanding enough to inspire me. As I decided to move forward after my court reporting school closed, I chose SimplySteno. Marc, is very approachable. It's more than an "online program," he is available almost all the time to answer your questions. Instant feedback is important, and his feedback on tests is the best I have ever gotten. You actually learn something, rather than just finding out if it is a pass or fail! The material can be dense at times, but all I can say is I am happy with that because I feel  he is preparing his students above and beyond 100%! I am happy with Simplysteno, and I don’t regret it one bit as I am currently going for my 225s!!

Lisa Muraco

I'm very grateful too for all the help you provided while I was a SimplySteno student, It has helped me to make it into an actual courtroom at last! I'm into my second week of work as a trainee court reporter at the Royal Courts of Justice in London!

Loiuse Frith (Royal Courts of Justice)

So far my experience with your program has been nothing but amazing. I am still attending my other school in the mornings but still find myself so eager to get home and do Simply Steno in the afternoons, I look forward to it. As of right now, I honestly feel that the way you have the program set up is working for me and there isn't anything I would change. I feel like I am getting a well-rounded exercise every time I sit down and write.  Even though it has only been a week I can see a difference in my writing and my overall confidence has changed! I'm so excited to see what the future has in store!  Thank you for bringing back the spark that I thought I had lost.

Melanie White

I'm now caught up to the speed I was at when leaving my brick and mortar school.  Simply Steno's daily organized lessons have been exactly what I've been missing.  I look forward to passing more speeds in the upcoming weeks.!

Marisa Watson

A little over 2 hours of my day and I feel like I learned more and got more accomplished then I ever have. Its amazing how you can go from writing 6 hours a day and be so bored, frustrated, and annoyed that you don't feel like you accomplished anything. Today I stayed hooked up for 2 hours and actually feel accomplished, satisfied, and eager to move forward. Even though the material was way more challenging, for the first time ever, I am actually looking forward to what tomorrow will bring. Yay!! I am so excited and thrilled that I trusted my gut instinct. Joining SimplySteno was the best decision I have ever made! I am so ready to climb to the top of that mountain!

Jodie Taylor, CSR

Since starting the Simply Steno program, my confidence, accuracy, and speed have all increased.  Marc is supportive and intelligent and seems to be genuinely interested in the success of his students.  And, why not??  That just proves how successful his program is! SS seems to cut out all the time wasters and really zeroes in on what is going to help you finish the program in a timely manner.  I'm looking forward to climbing the speed ladder.  And I know that Marc and his program are the keys to me reaching my goals.  Thank so much for such an outstanding program!

Dani Oates

I go to a court reporting school in New York, and I am simultaneously a student in Simply Steno.  I find that adding Simply Steno was invaluable for me, because there came a point when I was stuck at a certain speed level at my school, and there was no real advice offered about how to proceed. Since I enrolled with Simply Steno, I have never felt stuck again.  I think it is because you experience your fingers getting stronger through specific finger drills each day as well as the way the dictation is selected and utilized.  Because I experience progress, I am no longer measuring it in a linear way by passing tests.  I experience the progress, and, therefore, I am passing tests as a by-product. My experience is that Marc Greenberg will write back individual help and suggestions as well as grading every test to show exactly where we made the mistakes.  There are punctuation mistakes that I make over and over, but each time I try to learn from the corrections on the tests, and I try to make less mistakes. I hate writing testimonials, so I am glad to tell you that I believe in this program. I believe my progress in steno is because of my commitment to Simply Steno.  It is not "Simply" anything, it is actually a master program. It's SIMPLY WONDERFUL.

Betty Kaplan

I like the Simply Steno program because it gives you well-rounded, focused practice:  finger drills, speedbuilding, and dictionary building.  Doing it at home gives you a chance to think about your practice and spend more time on the things you need to.  It also addresses the more personal side of court reporting helping you perform at an optimal level.  This is like having one-on-one instruction, like Marc is there every step of the way.

Sharon Tilden

I have always loved court reporting and I have truly enjoyed Simply Steno.  Quite frankly, I think you have the best program out there and have been nothing but pleased with it. 

Tracy O.

Your program has really pushed me to be a better writer and more confident in my writing.  To me that is what this last 15 months have been about.  I felt like I was forever going to be a student in my formal program, and you took me past that.  Now it's time to take the learnings from your program and keep growing and start getting all the little details as I continue to gain work experience.  Your last note to me reminded me that this isn't about passing tests, but writing better.  I've taken that to heart and would strongly recommend this program to anyone.

Connie Barefoot

I wish I had found Simply Steno years ago. Simply Steno is all about self-discipline, but you are not left alone in the program by any means. It is for students who are serious about just getting done once and for all. I followed the program every day to the letter, and for the first time in all the previous years, felt confident and excited - I couldn't wait to get to the machine each day, as I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that I never had before. Anyone can practice at home, but there is an great accountability level here - you have to turn your work in, or the reminders are there - but there is also a lot of great "hey everybody, here's a great tip" correspondence. Every single day of class is set up for you, with GOBS of great practice, motivational wisdom, helpful hints, finger drills, even English, medical, etc.. Marc is an all around great guy with a lot of learned wisdom in this field, as well a proven knack for providing his students with motivation and drive. The proof? ME!


I like your program so far.  I feel very confident that this was a good move for me. I like your program because it’s very structured & I need that.  It allows me to totally focus on me and my writing needs. Being in school full-time I don’t feel worked well for me in many ways.  The school was unorganized and the director constantly moved things around and never had enough teachers.  As a result she was consistently combining classes and I was always in the lower of the speeds.  Even when I was in theory I was hearing speeds of 100/120 when I could barely write 50.  I feel that made me a very messy writer.  I was left frustrated & I lacked a lot of confidence in my writing.  I also always felt so overwhelmed with what I had to do when I went home, I didn’t know what to do first.  The real problem was that I had very little time to do homework due to working.  I really needed my time in school to be more productive.

Cyndi Cane

I have seen a tremendous increase my happiness and satisfaction. This program has helped me stay positive and has given me my life back. Before this, I would spend almost 6 hours a day at the machine thinking I needed to spend even more time because I wasn't going anywhere. But I wasn't being productive with my time (which I didn't know then) and it caused me to always feel like I didn't accomplish anything. In turn, I almost always told people I couldn't go out because I had school to do, I was always behind in doing things around the house that I wanted to do, I didn't touch my hobbies, and just in general felt I was climbing a mountain that didn't have a peak. Now, I feel excited every morning to work on my machine AND tests really don't freak me out much any more! My life is great now and I am able to do more and go more places. I wish I would have heard about this sooner! Thanks for everything, Marc!

Lara Abdallah

I came across the SimplySteno program and Marc by luck and, well, fate. I graduated court reporting school 11 years ago, but decided to have a family instead of working. I put my machine away and did just that. After 11 years, I decided that I still truly wanted to be a court reporter, but now I certainly needed a refresher course as I had been away for so long. I came upon SimplySteno, and through the awesome feature that Marc provides on his site (instant access to Marc himself), I was connected to Marc right away. From day one Marc was there to help and offer advice, even through he had no idea whether or not I was going to sign up for his program. He was there to give me the confidence I needed to get back on my machine. Marc was behind me 100% from the very beginning.

I joined SimplySteno and within just weeks I was pretty much right back to where I was 11 years ago. His program gives you all the material you could possibly need to get yourself going in the right direction. SimplySteno has given me the confidence that I swore I would never have back. With SimplySteno I look forward to getting up and getting on my machine and working with Marc and the whole SimplySteno community! I have had the awesome opportunity to work with Sophie and Sonja with my English Academics and my vocabulary - two subjects I have not even thought about in 11 years. You 'simply' could not ask for better support, help and guidance than you get from these people. I have had days that I have completely melted down and no one else but Marc can take that situation and turn it so far around that I am happily back writing on my machine.

I don't know what I would be doing right now if I had not come across SimplySteno. I can assure you though, I wouldn't be on my machine. Thank you Marc Greenberg and all at SimplySteno!!

Lee Ann Ray

I am so happy that I found SimplySteno. I started at 60 wpm, and in 3 1/2 months I am at 110. I am happy with my progress and the program. I like that each day is a bit different. I love the encouragement, common sense, and humor that Marc provides in his lessons.

Natalie Mikolajczak

Okay, this is going to sound like an open love letter to “Simply Steno,” and I guess in a sense it is. I absolutely love, love, LOVE this program!

The structure, quality and volume of material given as well as the constant interaction with staff all make enrolling in the program a “no-brainer.” I needed the structure that a program such as Simply Steno provides.

My only regret is that I didn’t know about the program sooner, as I would have started right out of theory and probably would have been a working reporter by now.

Anthony Gaglione

Simply Steno is an environmentally green product. For one, it has saved me green going back and forth to a campusl. That was a 90 mile round trip - you can do the math in both green money (cash) and smog going into the air. But the most important thing I love is I don't have to travel all that way and listen to people socialize. Instead, I get intense dictations. And I don't miss the negativity which was rampant at the campus. Marc knows what we've been through and where we want to go. I have found I'm getting there quicker than in all the other places I have attended, because of the solid daily material and workouts.

People say its harder to apply yourself at home. Yes. But it is also easier to get to your lessons with all the other day to day activities we have to accomplish. No travel, no traffic, no bridge tolls, no high tuition.

I had been checking online for years for a program, but could not find a real one. Then I found this program Yaaaaaaaaaaa! I thank God for this opportunity every day!

Felicia Laureano

This program and its chief instructor have turned out to be a true blessing for me. The lesson material and dictation are much better in quality than what I was getting. There is plentiful and meaningful communication with the instructors. Marc, the chief instructor, has wonderful insight, good motivational material, and lots of humor to move you forward in the speedbuilding program. All instructors have been most personable to work with, very informative, and full of encouragement. Can't say enough good things about this program, which is designed for those who have already finished court reporting theory. It does require self-discipline and, for me, about three to five dedicated hours of effort on a daily basis, Monday through Friday.

Martha Jerman

SimplySteno is a real step forward in speedbuilding. It is a down-to-earth approach that recognizes that court reporting students aren’t training in a vacuum. It gives plenty of support and direction for succeeding in spite of the distractions of everyday life.

I started with SimplySteno at 190 words per minute. One month later, I passed my state exam.

During my time with SimplySteno, Marc was quick with feedback and encouragement. He graded tests quickly. When I was getting ready to start reporting, he was standing by, quick to express his confidence in my ability. He offered help with arranging intern opportunities.

The dictation material is challenging, but as Marc says, if you can write his material, you will have no trouble passing certification tests. SimplySteno is a great program. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to progress rapidly and get inspired about being a court reporter again – and not go deeply into debt in the process!

Linda Grotefendt, CCR

I have been a court reporting student for a year and a half now. I was extremely frustrated at having to spend hours on courses that had nothing to do with court reporting, then adding more hours of practice time. I became so discouraged that I was about to throw in the towel and rethink my career options. Then I found SimplySteno online. I took the plunge. I am absolutely delighted with the program. I especially like the fact that I can print out every single day's assignment, including the finger drills. Online courses require a lot of self discipline, which was a struggle for this disorganized person. The SimplySteno program gives me the structure that I need for each day, along with the accountability to complete the assignments on time. Marc Greenberg is very positive and encouraging and extremely accessible (a rarity these days). His inspiring anecdotes are interspersed with the dictation assignments, which helps keep me motivated. And any reporting student can attest that motivation is a major factor in succeeding in this field. I would highly recommend this program to anyone. Now, I am concentrating on my craft and feeling more confident every day. I look forward to my practice time, instead of dreading it. SimplySteno is just what I needed.

Evelyn Isham

Enrolling in SimplySteno was by far the best move I made on behalf of my court reporting career. I continue to be impressed with the quality of the program on a daily basis. I look forward to sitting down at my machine to see what Marc has in store for me for the day’s lesson. This program has been a refreshing change. I am learning while having fun at the same time. My only regret is that I did not enroll sooner and become part of this goal-oriented program. Marc, my family thanks you and my pocketbook thanks you. This is a value well worth looking into.

Cheryl L. Tracey

I simply love SimplySteno!

What I found in Simply Steno was straight-forward lessons that focus on the basics, which translated into better writing and faster learning for me. I love being able to stay home and have my machine always ready to practice on, and even to be able to work in my pajamas!! (Not to mention the fact that I am saving a bundle of money!)

This program has been the boost I needed to finish my training and given me the confidence to know that when I am ready to take the RPR, I will pass that test!

Thank you, Marc for your awesome program!

RossAnne Gibson

After 18 months in another program, I passed a 170 speed test, but my writing was not as accurate as I wanted. Editing was tough, and I had little confidence that I would ever be able to work and be happy in the profession. But SimplySteno has changed that for me. Here’s how:

Dictations -- The readers are excellent, and the material is clear, varied, and challenging. I find that a mix of speeds in each day’s lesson builds my confidence and stretches my ability. And the relaxation techniques that Marc suggests really take the edge off test taking!

Lesson Plans – They embody down-to-earth, common-sense direction and guidance for real world situations. Marc’s program has given me insight into what to expect on the job, plus what I should expect of myself.

Academics – While my vocabulary, spelling and grammar skills are pretty good, it’s amazing how helpful (and fun) a refresher can be, especially when it’s focused on the types of questions that are going to be on the RPR exam!

Last, but certainly not least, is the personal support that I’ve received. The feedback is timely, relevant, and professional. Thank you, SimplySteno!

Julie Robinson is an extraordinary steno program. For me it has been a lifesaver. By the time I found, I had already sunk over $24,000 and close to 4 years of my life into a court reporting program. The only things I had to show for all my investments were a stenotyping speed of 140wpm, notes I couldn't read, and tons of frustration. After stagnating for more than a year trying to pass my next speed level of 160wpm with absolutely no success, I realized that something needed to change. I was paying too much money and getting nothing in return. has taken the frustration and stress out of my learning experience and has helped me to begin to achieve solid success. Because is a study at home program, I no longer spend hours in my car traveling to and from school. This leaves me more time to practice. And with the help of, my practice time is now productive. Before, I felt that what I was asked to practice and the methods I was told to use were impeding my progress. Now all the discouragement and the feelings of getting nowhere fast have vanished. has shown me how to approach the daunting task of becoming a court reporter in simple, methodical, skill-building steps. By following the lesson outlines Marc Greenberg has put together, I have vastly improved my accuracy, increased my test transcription speed, and advanced through the speed levels.

Marc is the first one to admit that becoming a court reporter is not an easy task. It will take time, perseverance, and hard work. But Marc, as well as all of the other instructors at, has always been available to guide my steps and give me advice on how to surmount the obstacles I have encountered. Marc and his colleagues are constantly working to improve the program. They are not afraid to change what doesn't work. Their goal is to help students get their court reporting licenses. The underlying theme of is that the key to achieving success lies in the integrity of the foundation. has introduced me to a learning method that has and will continue to strengthen my foundation and build my skills so that I can attain ultimate success.

Jennifer Albino

I am in SimplySteno and I JUST passed my 120's and am now moving on to 130's! I love the demands and the layout of the SimplySteno program so very much! I am 40yrs old, married, with a 2.5yr daughter also.

Rhoda Collins

Recent Updates!

8/3/16 - Over 100 new dictation videos will be loaded into the Video Library this week!


6/1/16 - SimplySteno Flashcards has been launched! And SimplySteno students, of course, have full access. A great new tool to learn those steno outlines!


5/16/16 - 12 new hours of high-speed dictation added to the Audio Library.


4/1/16 - 15 new hours of multi-voice dictation videos added to the Video Library.

 - Not enough time for a full lesson today? We've added 33 SimplySteno Quick Classes to the Audio Library. Each class is about 40 minutes.

1/25/16 - 7 hours of dictation has been added to the Audio Library - speeds 120-180.

1/2/16 - 19 hours of sustained dictation is being added to the daily lessons.

17 hours of video practice have been added to the Video Library.

The "Compare" feature is being slowly added to some lessons, allowing students to instantly compare their test transcripts to a correct transcript.

SimplySteno Plus has a new audio player that allows the user to increase and decrease the audio speed by 20%. It also allows for easy use on a cell phone or tablet device.

 - About 200 new audio and video files added to the libraries!

 - Started adding the SimplySteno Live class recordings to the Video Library. That means lots of new dictation every week!

 - Added new dictations to the audio library - most of them ranging from 200-250 wpm!

 - Added new tests into the mix. New speakers - more variety - keeping you on your toes!

 - Adding "Speedbuilding Focus" files to each speed in the Audio Library.  They are about 20-30 minutes in length.  They are a single, 5-minute dictation that is broken down by minute - slower - then goal - then faster - then the entire dictation.  Great way to do some target practice on one dictation.

 - We've added a CAT Software Training area! With teaching guides and videos for the 4 major CAT companies - Case CATalyst, Eclipse, DigitalCAT and Winner - it's a great place to learn your software.

 - The EFT Video Series has been added. These EFT videos were designed by a certified hypnotherapist specifically for the SimplySteno Court Reporting Program.  They deal with Test Anxiety, Fear of Failure, Fear of Success and more! It's not all about the fingers - it's about the mind as well.

 - Stretching videos added. These videos were designed by a certified yoga instructor specifically for court reporting students - specifically for the SimplySteno Court Reporting Program. Students sit for long periods of time, so it's important to keep the body in good position.

 - A MAJOR overhaul in the lesson format! We've integrated the audio files directly into the lessons to save court reporting students time. Many students have jobs or family duties, so making the most of every second counts!

 - Added LIVE classes to the SimplySteno program! With video integration, you can actually see your teacher - and they can see you! It's a great opportunity to get in some live readback and get instant feedback from your speedbuilding instructor.

 - Added more sustained and pyramid dictations to the lessons in every speed! It's important to have variety - to mix things up - to keep you on your toes!

 - Added 250 new dictations to the Audio Library - all different speeds and types - literary, jury charge, 2-voice. By this time next year, we'll be shooting for close to 3,000 dictations available for use by SimplySteno court reporting students!

 - Updated the Brief Machine section. There are now over 700,000 brief suggestions in the database. Just type in your English word or phrase and get a brief idea (or several) on demand!

 - SimplySteno is proud to be a sponsor for the upcoming documentary about the field of court reporting. It's important that everyone learns about this amazing occupation! Check out the documentary website - CourtReportingMovie - and make sure to like the Facebook page to get updates!