Court Reporting State
Court Reporting State Requirements
Your Goal - You need to know what you're aiming for!

Before finding your state below, understand that no states require certification to become a captioner, CART provider or do transcription work. Determining your skills in those areas is up to the hiring agency. That said, you should strive to write at speeds of 225 words per minute or higher before trying to attain those positions. Most of the requirements below refer to working inside the court system (and in some cases, a deposition setting).

The list below was compiled by SimplySteno and is not for reproduction. Please do not copy this list and paste it elsewhere, but feel free to link to this page. We update this list every 4-6 months. If you are aware of any errors on this list, we welcome you to contact us. We tried to include any links that may be relevant.

Some states use the RPR exam as their state exam or offer reciprocity if you pass the RPR exam. The RPR exam consists of 225 2-voice, 200 jury charge and 180 literary material, 5 minutes each, graded at 95%. Below are the most important links if you plan on taking the RPR exam or any other NCRA exams. Some states allow the NVRA exam as well (National Verbatim Reporters Association). It's a faster test - 250 2-voice, 225 jury charge and 200 Lit. You do not need to join NCRA to take the RPR exam, but if you PASS, you can only use the RPR designation after your name if you are a member - so you'll want to join.

In addition to whatever info is contained below, a notary public license may be needed as well.

RPR Exam Schedule
Required Reading

NVRA Exam Schedule
Required Reading

Next Exam -

ACRA administers the Certified Court Reporter skills exam twice a year: the first Saturday in April and the first Saturday in October. 4/2/16 - 10/1/16

How Much -

$75 (2015 cost)

Consists of -

(same as RPR) - 225 2-voice, 200 jury charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%.

Qualify -

Anyone can take the Alabama exam.

Marc's Notes -

Passing the NCRA Registered Professional Reporter written exam and passage of either the NCRA RPR skills exam or the Alabama CCR skills exam are requirements for licensure in Alabama.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.  Don’t count it out – it’s a beautiful place for much of the year! 
President:   Mary Vavrik
(907) 345-3934

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

You must pass the RPR, then the AZ written exam.

Qualify -

Anyone can take the AZ written exam.

Marc's Notes -

You must pass the RPR and the AZ written exam to work.  You can request a complete packet from  Very helpful people!  The website can be a little confusing, so make sure you don't mix up the general reporting info with the courtroom info. Certification Steps

Links -


Next Exam -

10/3/15 - Testing Calendar Link

How Much -

$75.00 application fee for in-state applicants; $150.00 application fee for out-of-state applicants.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 95% accuracy.  You can carry passed parts over to next try.

Qualify -

Applicants shall be at least 18 years of age and be of good moral character.

Marc's Notes -

It's nice to have a website that actually has all the information : )  They even have test prep materials for you!

Links -


Next Exam -

11/20/15 - 3/11/16 - 7/15/16

How Much -

$40 (plus you'll need fingerprint cards as well)

Consists of -

200 4-voice - 10 minutes at 97.5%.  Dictated live. The dictation is actually 12 minutes - the first 2 minutes being warmup that goes right into the test dictation. They then tell you what the starting point is.

Qualify -

Pass the RPR or qualify through a recognized CA campus school. Or obtain a license from GA, NV or TX.

Marc's Notes -

There are usually a couple good warm up rooms - but check with a local school and make sure.  You may have to buy a seat for practice before the exam.

Links - (past exams!)


Next Exam -

Voluntary CRCR Exam - Probably in April 2016

How Much -

$150 for one test, $225 for two tests.

Consists of -

Five minutes of dictation at speeds ranging from 180-200 words per minute designed to test the basic realtime skills of working court reporters. One test is three-voice, one test is four-voice, question and answer. The third and fourth
voices are colloquy. It's a realtime exam.

Qualify -

You must pass the RPR exam first.

Marc's Notes -

Although there currently are no requirements to work as a freelancer, there have been conversations by the board to move in that direction. 

Links -
CRCR Exam Info


Next Exam -

3/7/15 - 6/6/15 - 9/12/15 - 12/5/15

How Much -

Member - $50, Non-members - $100 - $150 at the door for all.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes.  Graded at 95%.

Qualify -

Like the RPR, anyone can take it.

Marc's Notes -

There will be two tests in each Skills Section: two literary takes at 180 wpm, two Jury Charges at 200 wpm, and two Q&As (Testimony) at 225 wpm. Each person taking the test will hear all six dictations but only type one of each leg.  Sweet deal! And offers reciprocity with the RPR. They call their exam the LSR.

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

You must pass the RPR or have passed a state exam with similar requirements to work as a reporter.

Links - (their main site seems to be down)


Next Exam -

10/15/15 (voluntary)

How Much -

$199 (members) and $499 (non-members)

Consists of -

Academic Exam

Qualify -

FCRA membership is not a prerequisite to attend the Florida Rules & Ethics Certification Seminar and sit for the FPR exam; however, if you are an FCRA member, the cost of registration and the cost of attending any subsequent FCRA-sponsored CEU seminars to keep your certification current are at a reduced rate. 

Marc's Notes -

They do offer an FPR (Florida Professional Reporter) exam - voluntary.  They no longer have a mid year convention, so FPR is offered at the Annual convention and they try to have 1 or 2 stand-alone FPR testing dates throughout the year. It's an academic exam - not machine.

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page. (and Georgia written - open book)

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page. ($125 for Georgia written)

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

The Georgia Board of Court Reporting requires that all court reporters in the state of Georgia be certified. Certification may be achieved by testing with the National Court Reporters Association or the National Verbatim Reporters Association. After passing a national exam, an applicant may apply for Georgia certification. Previous attainment of a passing score on the NCRA Exam or the NVRA Exam does satisfy the Georgia Board of Court Reporting’s certification requirements.

Links - - Testing Info


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

$125 for the Hawaii written exam.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

Hawaii uses the RPR exam, but you must also pass their written exam. 

Links -


Next Exam -

3/16/16 - 9/17/16

How Much -


Consists of -

Same as RPR - 225 2-voice, 200 JC, 180 Lit - 5 minutes - 95%.

Qualify -

High school graduate.

Marc's Notes -

They try to test twice a year in March and September, but that can shift depending on court schedules.  Get your payment in a month before testing to secure a spot. Reciprocity with the RPR if passed within 2 years, but no reciprocity with other states.

Links -


Next Exam -

12/12/15 - 4/9/16 - 8/13/16 - 12/10/16

How Much -

Examination fees change from test to test. Illinois no longer requires a preliminary examination. Endorsement $75; Acceptance of Examination $25; nonexam for Restricted Shorthand Reporters $35. Endorsement based on substantially equivalent requirements in other state or NCRA.

Consists of -

Dictation Examination – 200 wpm for 5 minutes at 95% accuracy and two-voice testimony at 225 wpm for 5 minutes at 95% accuracy.

Qualify -

Certification of graduation from high school or its equivalent; Proof that the applicant possesses at least minimum competency skills to sit for the examination, as recommended by the Board and approved by the Department.

Marc's Notes -

Carbondale and Chicago Area. The test is usually given three times a year at the specific time and date determined by the Board. Normally it is given in the southern and northern part of Illinois in April, August and December.

Links -


Next Exam -

The voluntary exam used to be the first Saturdays in May and November. Currently, I can't find a testing schedule.

How Much -


Consists of -

Same as RPR - 225 2-voice, 200 JC, 180 Lit, 5 minutes - 95%.

Qualify -

Anyone can take this exam.

Marc's Notes -

Testing is voluntary at this point. Here is an update on their quest for required certification.

Links -


Next Exam -

3/16/16 - 9/10/16 - 3/11/17 - 9/9/17 (for machine and written)
The Iowa Certified Shorthand Reporter examination (machine) is held the second Saturday each March and September at the American Institute of Business (AIB), 2500 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, Iowa. The written exam is held more often - the exam dates are on the link below.

How Much -


Consists of -

Technical Q & A at 180 wpm; Nontechnical Q & A at 225 - Nontechnical multivoice at 200, with 1 minute chosen for readback. 5 minutes - 95%

Qualify -

Attained proficiency of 200 wpm or more in a shorthand reporting course; or had at least two years of experience as a shorthand reporter in making verbatim records; or graduated from a shorthand reporting school approved by the NCRA.

Marc's Notes -

If an applicant is a Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) in good standing under the rules of the National Court Reporter Association (NCRA), he or she will only be required to take and pass the written portion of the Iowa examination. Lots of broken links - hard to find solid info, especially on the cost.

Links -


Next Exam -

5/18/15 - 10/5/15 - Certified Court Reporter Examinations are given in May and October of each year.

How Much -


Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Literary, 180 Medical 2-voice - 5 minutes - 95%.

Qualify -

You must: have completed and graduated from a court reporting course in a school licensed in the State of Kansas or licensed in the state where the school is located; or have an RPR or RMR (for which you can apply to get a reciprocal); or hold a valid and unrevoked CSR certificate from another state (if that state's CSR testing requirements are the same as Kansas or stiffer than Kansas you may be able to get a reciprocal).

Marc's Notes -

If you’ve passed the RPR (or comparable state exam), you only need to take the procedures portion – which is basically an open-book test.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -

They really bury the testing info, but here's the best link

How Much -


Consists of -

Same as RPR - 225 2-voice, 200 JC, 180 Lit - 5 minutes - 95%.

Qualify -

Applicant must furnish a diploma, official transcript or certificate from a licensed court reporting school that he/she has passed a qualifying test consisting of five minutes of two-voice Q & A at 225 wpm with 95 percent accuracy within one year prior to application to the board for examination; or participate in a equivalent qualifying test administered by the board on a date designated by the board. Must have a high school diploma or equivalency.

Marc's Notes -

The CCR exam is usually given in April and August.
(225) 342-2668 for exact dates as they get closer.
They will accept the RPR exam as well.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.
Beautiful state - check it out!

Links -


Next Exam -

10/25/14 - 4/25/15 Examinations take place in April and October.

How Much -

MCRA Member $40 - Non-members $50

Consists of -

210 2-voice, 190 JC, 170 Lit - 5 minutes - 95%. 

Qualify -

Anyone can take this exam without proof of schooling.

Marc's Notes -

Testing is voluntary at this point, but there is legislation in the works to require it. We currently have reciprocity with NCRA certifications (RPR, RMR, etc.) and with some individual states.  To apply for a MA CSR, the application fee is $50.  Additionally, you need to be a member of MCRA.To apply, please email us at

Links -!certification/c11m6


Next Exam -


Only certified reporters and recorders may record or prepare transcripts of proceedings held in Michigan courts or of depositions taken in Michigan as regulated by Michigan Court Rule 8.108(G). Certification is accomplished through a testing process administered by the Court Reporting and Recording Board of Review through the assistance of the State Court Administrative Office.

The examinations are held twice each year to test knowledge and speed, and, as to a recorder, familiarity with basic logging techniques and transcript production. The Board determines the passing score. In order to be eligibile for registration for an examination, an applicant must be at least 18 years of age, be a high school graduate, and not have been under sentence for a felony for a period of two years. An applicant for the certified shorthand reporter examination must have satisfactorily completed an approved, accredited, or recognized course of study in court reporting.

In addition, the Board may extend the temporary certification if the applicant has passed two legs of the RPR skills exam.

CSR Written Exam - The tests are given in April and October, but they also try to give them in January and July when possible. (RPR used for machine)

How Much -


Consists of -

RPR consists of 225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Applicants for the certified shorthand reporter written examination (CSR) must provide proof they have satisfactorily completed an approved, accredited, or recognized course of study in court reporting and have passed the National Court Reporter’s Association (NCRA) registered professional reporter (RPR) examination.

Marc's Notes -

The tests are given in April and October, but they also try to give them in January and July when possible.  A reporter or recorder certified in another state may apply to the board for certification based on the certification already obtained.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -

Hasn't been updated in a couple years!

How Much -

$35 Application - $75 Test (written only) - $100 Test (skills only) - $125 (skills and written)

Consists of -

Same as the RPR - and will accept RPR as well - 225 2-voice, 200 JC, 180 Lit - 5 minutes -95%.

Qualify -

Applications shall be screened by the Board, and those applicants twenty-one (21) years of age and older and of good moral character and a resident of the State of Mississippi shall be deemed eligible to take the examination.

Marc's Notes -

Currently being given in Jackson - MS College Law School

Links -


Next Exam -

4/15/16 (written) 4/16/16 (skills)

How Much -


Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 2-voice, 180 Lit.  The 200 section will be either medical or technical.  5 minutes - 95%.

Qualify -

Anyone can take the CCR exam.

Marc's Notes -

A certification examination is conducted at least semiannually, one in the spring and one in the fall. The last link really breaks the exam down – good info!

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter. A CCR credential is voluntary - you get it by passing the RPR exam and other small things.

Links -


Next Exam -

4/16/16 FORM

How Much -


Consists of -

200 4-voice, 10 Minutes - 97.5%

Qualify -

You must qualify through a school, have a license from another state, or show you’ve worked for one year as a reporter.

Marc's Notes -

Students can take the exam for practice only as well.

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

As of October 26, 2006, the examination for the New Hampshire Certified Court Reporter certification will consist of the following:
Passage of the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) or a higher-speed exam such as the RMR

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

Got rid of the NJ CSR exam in 2006 and they are now going with the RPR.

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

New Mexico is unique. A person MUST pass all three skills portions of the RPR exam in one sitting.  The written portion may be passed separately. No other state or national certifications are accepted.  

Links -


Next Exam -

Says twice a year, but no dates (realtime exam) - EXAM LINK

How Much -


Consists of -

180-200 3-voice – 5 minutes at 96% You will hear 2 exams and get to transcribe one.

Qualify -

High school graduate – 21 years of age.  Pretty much anyone.

Marc's Notes -

You need to have finished a court reporting program at a speed of 225 to freelance.  There is a voluntary CSR exam – the details are listed.
518-474-3817 ext. 160 Test info.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There used to be a test to work in the court system, but that is no longer active.  So if you can prove your ability to them, you can work in ANY capacity as a reporter right now.
Ronda Colby, RPR
1721 Valle Moor Dr.
Bismarck, ND 58501
O - 701/222-6682x116 

Links -



Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.  The OCRA is presently working toward certification requirements for court reporters. You must be a notary, as is the case in many states.

Links -


Next Exam -

CSR Exams - 3/5/16 - 5/14/16 - 10/1/16
Prequalifier Exams - 2/17/16 - 4/13/16

How Much -

$150 for OK residents - $200 if you live out of OK.

Consists of -

200 2v, 180 Lit - 5 minutes - 95%

Qualify -

High school diploma and “good moral character.” You do have to qualify, but basically anyone can take the Prequalifier Exam.

Marc's Notes -

Good moral character?  Half of us won’t qualify!  : ) The written knowledge portion used to be given through email. No more. It's now given at the same time as the machine portion. Held in Midwest City.

Links -


Next Exam -

"We typically conduct a qualifying exam twice a year, on the fourth Saturday in February and July. These dates are not guaranteed, however, and are subject to change." Currently, no tests are scheduled.

How Much -


Consists of -

225 2v, 200 JC, 180 Lit - all 5 minutes at 95%.

Qualify -

Anyone can take this exam without proof of schooling.

Marc's Notes -

Strictly voluntary for freelance reporters. They do accept the RPR exam in place of the Oregon exam.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -

See Marc's Notes

How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

Freelance and court - you are required to type from an actual trial in court. You will sit in on a trial with a qualified reported who will be taking down the legal record. You get to take your notes home for 2 or 3 days and transcribe 10 pages. Your transcribed pages are then compared to the official reporter’s notes to see how you did. There is no set percentage, it’s up for interpretation by the judge.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter. Their slogan used to be - "By Voice or By Hand, United We Stand"  Catchy! They have a voluntary exam system in place that basically replicates the RPR exam, but I couldn't find dates for it.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -

There are no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Marc's Notes -

Love their logo!

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

The RPR requirement was enacted in 2009. To get the CCR designation, you must show them you passed the RPR along with the application fee (and be in good standing with TCRA)

Links -


Next Exam -

10/10/15 - 1/23/16

How Much -

$85 application fee.  Then $75 to $190 depending on what you need.

Consists of -

Each section is 5 minutes - 225 2v - 200 JC - 180 Lit - 95 percent

Qualify -

You qualify to take the CSR exam if
1. You’ve passed the RPR exam.
2. You must have 2 proficiency tests given to you by an instructor at a court reporting school (these can be done in any state).  It must consist of new material and be given all at one time. (Meaning each test must consist of 180 wpm literary, 200 wpm jury charge, and 225 wpm QA.)  Proficiency tests cannot be given/passed in legs. You must receive a score of 95 percent accuracy or better. The proficiency is only good for one year and must be valid on the exam date for which you are applying.

Marc's Notes -

Effective June 1, 2004 the Board began allowing licensees from other states to become certified in Texas without the requirement of passing the skills portion of the certification examination. Applicants will, however, be required to take and pass the written knowledge portion of the certification exam.

Links -


Next Exam -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

How Much -

See RPR info at the top of the page.

Consists of -

225 2-voice, 200 Jury Charge, 180 Lit - 5 minutes at 95%

Qualify -

Any student can take the RPR exam.

Marc's Notes -

All reporters, freelance and officials, need to be RPR certified to work in Utah. You must also be a notary.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter (only voluntary, using the RPR).  However, there was a bill going to the House trying to change that - not sure what happened.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -

You get 2, 200 2-voice dictations - 7 minutes long, but you only type 5 minutes (they tell you where to stop and start) - and you transcribe the one you like best.  You need 95% accuracy.

Qualify -

Anyone can take this exam without proof of schooling.

Marc's Notes -

The exams are given twice a year. Usually in early spring and fall. Watch the website for future exam dates. They also accept the RPR and exams from other states.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter. To work in the court system, you may also qualify if you have a diploma from an NCRA approved school – no RPR license needed.

Links -


Next Exam -


How Much -


Consists of -


Qualify -


Marc's Notes -

There are currently no requirements to work as a freelance reporter.

Links -

State Organizations

It's important to be in touch with the court reporting association in your state, along with the national association - the National Court Reporters Association. Many state organizations offer mentoring programs, conventions and other tools to help students.


Alabama Court Reporters Association


Alaska Court Reporters Association


Arizona Court Reporters Association


Arkansas Court Reporters Association


California Court Reporters Association


Colorado Court Reporters Association


Connecticut Court Reporters Association


Delaware Court Reporters Association


Florida Court Reporters Association


Georgia Court Reporters Association


Hawaii Court Reporters Association


Idaho Court Reporters Association


Illinois Court Reporters Association


Indiana Court Reporters Association


Iowa Court Reporters Association


Kansas Court Reporters Association


Kentucky Court Reporters Association


Louisiana Court Reporters Association


Maine Court Reporters Association


Maryland Court Reporters Association


Massachusetts Court Reporters Association


Michigan Court Reporters Association


Minnesota Court Reporters Association


Mississippi Court Reporters Association


Missouri Court Reporters Association


Montana Court Reporters Association


Nebraska Court Reporters Association


Nevada Court Reporters Association


New Hampshire Court Reporters Association


New Jersey Court Reporters Association


New Mexico Court Reporters Association


New York Court Reporters Association


North Carolina Court Reporters Association


North Dakota Court Reporters Association


Ohio Court Reporters Association


Oklahoma Court Reporters Association


Oregon Court Reporters Association


Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association


South Carolina Court Reporters Association


South Dakota Court Reporters Association


Tennessee Court Reporters Association


Texas Court Reporters Association


Utah Court Reporters Association


Virginia Court Reporters Association


Washington Court Reporters Association


West Virginia Court Reporters Association


Wisconsin Court Reporters Association


Wyoming Court Reporters Association