Are you qualified?
Make sure you know our basic requirements.

Since we do not teach steno theory at SimplySteno, you must enter our program with a solid grasp of court reporting theory. Students must also own their own steno machine prior to beginning our program. It does not matter if it is manual or electric, but at speeds of 170 and above, we would strongly recommend electric.

You must be between the speeds of 60 and 200 words per minute.

We strongly suggest that students take the academics we've worked into the program. You may have taken these academics before, but we want to make sure you have the proper information you need to advance your skills.

And finally, we reserve the right to remove any student from the SimplySteno program at any time if we do not feel you are giving it your best effort. We are very up front about the fact that this is an intense program and you will have to make a genuine effort. If you can't, we don't want your money. If we remove you from the program, we will reimburse you for the last session paid.

Our requirements are so tough because we want to see you succeed in your speed goals! Court reporting is not a skill that can be mastered by taking a passive approach. It's our job to keep you on your toes!