Free Practice Dictations - Obama - Page 1
Dictations and transcripts of President Obama's speeches (some from before he was President).

The free dictations you will hear in the following sections are NOT dictations used as part of the SimplySteno program. Although these dictations are of good quality, the SimplySteno dictations are MUCH better.

These are not timed dictations - they are conversational speed. they are not TOTALLY free. We are asking you for a favor. Please stop by StenoWatchdog and leave reviews on items you are familiar with. This helps the steno community as a whole, so it's really worth taking a few minutes to do it.

Marc - SimplySteno

Obama 001 Speech - 6 Minutes
Obama 001 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 002 Speech - 4 Minutes
Obama 002 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 003 Speech - 11 Minutes
Obama 003 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 004 Speech - 3 Minutes
Obama 004 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 005 Speech - 21 Minutes
Obama 005 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 006 Speech - 7 Minutes
Obama 006 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 007 Speech - 10 Minutes
Obama 007 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 008 Speech - 19 Minutes
Obama 008 Speech Hardcopy

Obama 009 Speech - 13 Minutes
Obama 009 Speech Hardcopy